Current processing time for handmade-to-order items: 3 to 5 business days


New Elastic Waist Belts

new items

In 2023 I started searching for vintage style belt buckles and the wide elastic to fit those buckles. I wanted to make my own version of the simple vintage style belts as well as come up with more unique belt styles that would be available in many sizes from XS to 4XL.

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Limited Stock Sheer Fabrics

Due to rising prices from my main fabric supplier I have started buying fabric from some new stores in the past year. One of them is a local small business in Sacramento, and one of them is an online store that sells leftover fabric from large clothing manufacturers. These stores stock fabric in small amounts that can't be re-ordered once they run out. Here is a list of my current limited edition fabrics. I ordered them from lowest stock to highest stock, so the items listed first will be the first to sell out. Square mesh: I'm just about out of...

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Notice for UK Customers

Notice for UK customers: due to new Brexit rules, UK shipping is not supported on this website. Please purchase from our Etsy or eBay shop instead.

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Need your order before Halloween?

Halloween ordering deadlines:

USA customers: place your order by October 10th and choose Priority Mail Shipping when you check out.

International customers: unfortunately at this time we cannot guarantee international shipment dates.

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New striped tops and skirts

new items

New striped tops and skirts

New black and white striped tops and skirts! Great for women's Beetlejuice Halloween costumes.

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